Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Sleep (or lack thereof)

Ahh.. naptime! (or as I like to call it...the 1-2 hours where I can hurry up and scramble to get the housework done before cooking dinner.)

I have a soon-to-be-two year old.  She's not my firstborn, so you would have thought I knew what to expect when she came along.  Not so fast!

When she was a newborn, she didn't cry.  She shrieked and shrieked and SHRIEKED!  We got used to that.  It fit her personality.  She has always made sure that we know her every emotion.  Then, when she was about eight weeks old, I went back to work.  Being the sweetheart that she is, she timed sleeping through the night to begin at that age. didn't last.

She chose the age of four months to be the time where she'd wake up during the night.  That "brief" phase lasted until she was 20 months old.  Are you kidding me?!

That's okay.  I'm getting used to my uninterrupted sleep.  It would be even more enjoyable if I didn't get woken up between 5/5:30

Oh well!  She may not enjoy sleeping as much as I do, but those early morning snuggles are worth every second of wakefulness.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Let me introduce myself...

I love reading blogs.  The people who write them seem to have such exciting lives.  It's fun to read about the exciting lives that others have.  The creative ideas they seem to have.  The delicious recipes they cook for nightly dinner.

Me?  I'm just a normal person.  I "borrow" most of my ideas from others.  I can follow a recipe, but you won't see me coming up with one on my own.  I've pinned many things on Pinterest, but I have only tried a few of them.

I decided to start blogging as an experiment of sorts.  I just want to have a spot where I feel like my friends can sit and drink a cup of coffee.  A place where we can relax and spend some time together after the chaos of the day.  

Please feel free to leave a comment and introduce yourself as well.